Due to the censorship and the message of SSA being suppressed it has affected the business greatly. The goal is to make more improvements and offer more products. Most importantly, to keep the mission going. It’s always been about making art-waging war and holding true to the mission. Simply put making “Battle ready art”.
SSA has grown tremendously over the years and mostly because of our loyal customer base. The mission at SSA is to bring the best art and cutting edge designs. We are fighting an unseen war in our country. We are in the age where signs and symbols are dominating media and corporations are brainwashing us with their evil agendas. SSA has been heavily shadow banned on social media.
The goal with these emails is to stay connected and keep everyone informed about what is happening with SSA. Please submit feedback always looking for ideas from our customers. Please shoot an email or a DM on Instagram. Thank you for your continued support over the years. SSA could not do this without your support.